Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Wedding Wednesdays: We Love Welcome Bags

Chances are you won't be able to greet all your guests upon their arrival, so a wedding welcome bag (or basket) of goodies is a great way to say, "Hello, we're glad you're here!" right away. (This is especially true if you're having a destination wedding or hosting a lot of out-of-towners.) Check out our breakdown of everything you need to assemble the perfect prewedding goody bag that'll make your guests feel right at home!

Local Ingredients

Welcome bag with snacks

The whole idea behind the welcome bag is to make your guests' stay more comfortable, so keep them from raiding the minibar. Fill their bags with sweet and savory snacks that will tide them over if they arrive after dinner or if they have a late-night hankering post wedding dance party.

Get Creative: Give out-of-towners a taste of local flavor with snacks that are representative of the setting. For example, locally grown Florida oranges, Cape Cod potato chips or Vermont cheddar cheese.

Sip, Sip, Hooray!

Welcome bag with drinks

Throw in a drink or two, like bottles of water. You'll keep guests hydrated without sending them to the hotel gift shop. Add a custom label to show off your wedding colors, motif or monogram.

Get Creative: Swap out the bottle of water for something that speaks directly to the theme of your wedding. Try coconut water for a tropical destination wedding, miniature bottles of wine for a vineyard soiree or locally brewed beer for ranch nuptials.

Weatherproof Essentials

Welcome bag with weather proof essentials

Take a cue from the season and stock up on items that'll help your guests brave the elements. Sunglasses, bug spray and fans will beat the heat, while pashminas, tea bags and hand-warmers are perfect for a fall or winter wedding. Ponchos and umbrellas are other must-haves if rain is in the forecast.

Get Creative: Hotels often provide a few complimentary toiletries, like shampoo or lotion, but not everything is covered. Kick up your welcome bag with a few extra pampering products, like sunscreen for sunny days or lip balm to combat the chilly temps.

A Few of Your Favorite Things

Image result for wedding welcome bags

Add a personal touch to your bag by including items you love or things that speak to you two as a couple. Maybe it's a signature sweet, a book of crossword puzzles or a mix of your favorite beats. These details that capture your quirks make fun welcome bag additions your guests will surely love (and get a good laugh out of).

Get Creative: Give your guests a little context by personalizing each item with a note explaining its significance. For example, John used to do the crossword puzzle every Sunday morning with his grandfather, or Emily is infamous for keeping a stash of sweets in her purse.

Hangover Helpers

Welcome bag with hangover kit

Don't let your guests regret that last glass of champagne. Create a special hangover kit, complete with a bottle of water, Advil, Alka-Seltzer and Emergen-C (even Bloody Mary mix helps) to help them combat any morning-after ailments that might keep them from enjoying the rest of the wedding festivities. Your friends and family will thank you—trust us.

Get Creative: A bad hangover isn't the only "emergency" your guests might encounter. Add in some Band-Aids, stain remover or a mini sewing kit to help guests deal with whatever disaster might come their way.

Get your guests excited upon arrival with the help of these fun-filled bags and devour the details of a warm wedding welcome they'll love!

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