Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Wedding Wednesdays: The Dos and Don’ts of Caring for Your Engagement Ring

You’ll be wearing this accessory every day for years to come. Here’s how to keep it safe and looking brand new!

Do: Have It Insured
This is your number one must-do item. While nothing can replace the sentimental value of your engagement ring, if you have it properly appraised and insured for its full replacement value, you'll at least be covered if it's ever lost, stolen or damaged. Some insurance companies offer more coverage than others, so it's worth doing your homework.

Don't: Neglect It
Daily wear and tear can take its toll, even on fine jewelry. Think of it this way: Your ring needs a yearly visit like you need your annual physical or your car needs a tune-up. The last thing you want is to look down and notice your diamond has fallen out of its setting because of a bent prong. Minor preventive repairs now can save you a lot of heartache later—trust us.

Do: Take It Off Sometimes
While you might feel like you never want to take off that rock, there are times you should. Working out at the gym, washing dishes, laundry and other household tasks will put stress on your ring, from stretching the band to loosening the delicate settings.

Don't: Let It Get Too Dirty
There are a lot of home cleaning remedies out there, but be careful: Solutions that are fine for diamonds may not be safe for other gemstones or metals. It's recommended to use a mixture of a few drops of mild dish soap in warm—not hot—water. Let your ring soak in the solution for a few minutes, then gently scrub with a new, soft bristle toothbrush. To rinse, place it in a new dish of lukewarm water and then dry it with a soft cloth, being careful not to snag the prongs. While this is the best home cleaning solution, it's still a good idea to have your ring professionally cleaned regularly. Drop it off at any reputable jewelry store and they can take care of the job. And remember: Never clean your jewelry over a sink or other open drain!

Do: Store It Properly
Find a safe place to store your ring when you're not wearing it. Keep it in a clean, dry place such as a fabric-lined jewelry case, or in a box with compartments and dividers to prevent pieces from scratching each other. And it's smart to have a dedicated spot for safekeeping while you're cooking.

Keep your bling looking as sparkly and new as the day you got it by devouring the details of The Knot's dos and don'ts of engagement ring care and shine on for years to come!

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