Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Unveiling Your Beauty

Some brides question whether or not to wear a veil on their wedding day. It is a personal preference and usually a traditional piece during the wedding ceremony. If you happen to be a bride on the fence about wearing a veil, we've got some rather untraditional and trendy ideas that might change your mind. Check out these unique looks that will unveil your beauty!
Drop Veil With Crown

Juliet Cap Veil

Cathedral Veil

Blusher Veil

Bandeau Veil

Bird Cage Veil

Keep in mind, choosing to wear a wedding veil comes with lots of decisions: what type of veil looks best with your face and wedding dress, how to wear it, what hairstyles work best with a wedding veil and what accessories will work with it too. It all comes down to personal preference. And if you're still uncertain after seeing these unique looks but have a veil in mind, wear it lower on your head so it doesn't distract from your face and gown. Another thing to consider if you want a subtle veil is width; a narrower cut will typically lay flatter and offer more transparency than a wider, gathering veil.

To get the veil-styling tips and tricks, read more from The Knot. We hope we've inspired you to devour the details and unveil your beauty on your wedding day!

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